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The Crows of Mingo Creek by Van Voorhis

The Crows of Mingo Creek

by Van Voorhis

232 pages
A troubles young man, Cauley, finds he has a special ability that allows him to communicate with a crow named Sawtok. That relationship helps him to plot and execute revenge on his perceived enemies.

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Category: Fiction:Noir
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About the Book
A bullied young man, Cauley Christian, develops a relationship with a very intelligent crow named Sawtok. Together they plot vengeful actions to be carried out against the boy's enemies. With the crow's help and some assistance from his seemingly stupid best friend, Cauley strikes out at individuals who have wronged him.

These acts and something very different about Cauley catch the attention of a very smart and beautiful classmate who feels a strange connection to the boy.

Things get more involved when the leader of the Freemen, a doomsday group, starts to mentor Cauley and his violent plans escalate. The authorities get into the mix, including the FBI, but so far, their efforts to catch the responsible parties have had no success.

Can anything or anyone stop this young man's spiraling attraction to violence and his growing plans to expand his horizons.



About the Author
The author is a semi-retired businessman who has ridden Harleys over most of the Eastern United States and sailed the Caribbean from the BVI to Grenada. He currently spends most of his time in the Florida Keys. This is his third work of fiction.



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