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SHINING LIGHT INTO THE DARKNESS: Finding God's Purposes and Hope When Life's Events Make No Sense by Mark Barrett

SHINING LIGHT INTO THE DARKNESS: Finding God's Purposes and Hope When Life's Events Make No Sense

by Mark Barrett

164 pages
At times the unexpected happens us to, and it may be tragic. Using the Bible, this book will help you make sense out of things that make no sense. We will pull back the curtain of the unexpected to find answers to your questions.

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About the Book
Many times in life, the unexpected happens to us, or to someone else, and many times it is a tragic incident. In 2017 our youngest son took his own life. It was unexpected. It was a complete surprise. To us, he seemed to be living a full, God-honoring life. How do you explain such a tragedy? How do you explain that unexpected tragedy in your life? There is a reason for that, which is explained in the Bible. This book will help you make sense out of things, which ordinarily, in your human understanding, makes no sense. Using the Bible as our guide, we will pull back the curtain of the unexpected and find not only answers, but hope that will help you to cope with your shock and grief. This book contains answers to questions about life's incidents and tragedies we can't explain in human terms. We will draw the curtain back on God's perspective and plan, and the spiritual warfare that is at play in all our lives. We cannot always see behind the scenes when events happen, but this book will give you hope and healing in knowing that God is in control and has a plan in it all.


Jesus reminded His followers that in this fallen world we will know suffering. But, when that suffering includes the death of a child who has known and loved the Lord, there are questions. With striking insights from Barbara, Mark provides a window into their journey with God as they come to terms with losing their son Nathan to suicide. Chapter by chapter, the reader, like the author, is thoroughly immersed in the Word of God. With freshness, we behold the enduring love of God for His children in all the circumstances of life and death. A much- needed floodlight shines on our enemy, a sometimes forgotten reality. This will be a wakeup call for many believers. To the heart of the matter, we can trust and hope in God because He is working all things together for good for those who love Him. The book while pastoral in approach is prophetic in its call for Christians to serve the Lord.
- Harry G Gardner, DMin, Consultant to the President, Development President Emeritus Acadia
In Shining the Light into the Darkness, Pastor Mark Barrett speaks to our deepest pain with God’s deepest comfort. The book is candid and compassionate—Mark and Barbara write with honest and tender hearts to tell their story and reveal their struggle with their son’s, Nathan’s, death. At the same time, the book is also constructive—it helps us rebuild our broken worlds upon the solid foundation of God’s Word.
- Dr. Rick Reed, President–Heritage Seminary, Cambridge, ON, Canada
Born out of the pain of suicide, Shining Light into Darkness offers hope to those who struggle to find meaning in life’s deepest tragedies. Guided by the wisdom of years of pastoral ministry and marked by an enduring confidence in God’s word to help believers struggle through and flourish in life’s darkest days, the Barretts’ provide readers not only insights from their journey through the loss of their son, but also powerful resources to comfort and encourage those who have experienced such loss. My prayer is that God will use this work to comfort and encourage those who walk a similar journey.
- Dr. David Williams, Executive Partner, // Kairos University, President, // Taylor Seminary, Professor of Theology and Ethics



About the Author
Mark has been a Pastor for 40+ years, in 4 Provinces and 2 States. He has preached the gospel in 6 countries and worked as a Church planter in Missions for 20+ years. He was married to Barbara in 1983 and they have two grown children, 5 grandchildren, and a Son in heaven.



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