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The Totem Lake Lesbian Coffee Society by Stuart Broderick

The Totem Lake Lesbian Coffee Society

by Stuart Broderick

216 pages
The totem Lake Lesbian Coffee Society is the tale of Elizabeth O'Mally, the greatest detective in the galaxy.

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Category: Fiction:SciFi:Space Opera
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About the Book
This is the story about a young homicide detective who along with her childhood friends form a club called The Totem Lake Lesbian Coffee Society. When her friend Vincent {the damsel in distress} and several of her friends get abducted by aliens, the heroine, aided by a master yogi who has taken control of the flying saucer's weapons runs the alien crew off. The saucer was being used as a drug smuggling and slave trading vessel The heroine and her crewmates must catch the culprits and break up an interstellar smuggling cartel.


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About the Author
Stuart Broderick is a native of San Francisco. He has resided in the Seattle Metropolitan area since 1978. He currently resides in Everett Washington.



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