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Silent Sorrows: Let's Talk About Abortion, Reproductive Technologies, and Adoption by Katherine Breckenridge

Silent Sorrows: Let's Talk About Abortion, Reproductive Technologies, and Adoption

by Katherine Breckenridge

404 pages
Through the promotion and practice of abortion, IVF, and surrogacy, vulnerable members of society are continually treated as expendable and women are treated as objects.

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Category: Social Science
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About the Book
Today’s self-indulgent society is one in which satisfying one’s desires at the expense of others prevails. This mindset is particularly common in areas of procreation such as abortion and various assisted reproductive technologies. Through a lens that combines Christianity, natural law, and scientific reason, this book discusses how the breakdown of man-woman marriage, biological connection, the destruction and disregard for human life, and the objectification and commodification of women and children manufactures trauma in not only adults, but in children. This trauma is evidenced by the stories of adult children who are victims of society’s current cultural trends, as well as evidenced by the research of various psychologists, sociologists, and other professionals. For too long, adults have been asking children to conform to their ways of living, assuming children will just “get over it,” and children are now starting to speak out about the harms of their upbringings. It’s essential to illuminate their voices, as these familial breakdowns have become so normal that we currently can’t talk about any of their negative aspects with any degree of common sense.



About the Author
Katherine Breckenridge Katherine Breckenridge works for the children’s rights organization Them Before Us, and has written for several outlets on beginning and end-of-life issues. She holds a masters degree in Mental Health and Wellness with an emphasis in family dynamics, a graduate certificate in trauma-informed practice, and is working towards a second masters in Bioethics.



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