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Did God Choose Me?  A Study on Biblical Election by Steven D. Rhodes

Did God Choose Me? A Study on Biblical Election

by Steven D. Rhodes

80 pages
This book is a study on biblical election. It deals with God's sovereignty, the question of free will, and how they inter-relate. The Bible has thought provoking answers to these, as well as other intriguing questions.

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About the Book
This book is a Bible study on biblical election (God's choosing of His believers). It is a study dealing with people's choices in light of God's choices and sovereignty.

Many questions arise from this subject: Do I exercise my will, or is everything predetermined? Do I have a "free" will? How does God's sovereignty really work? Am I just a puppet with God pulling the strings? Can I truly love God if my will isn't really "free"? How does God's "foreknowledge" apply to my salvation? How much involvement do I really have in my own salvation? These are difficult questions to be sure.

We can observe the Bible dealing with this subject from two very different perspectives:

The horizontal perspective: Mankind's perspectives and actions. The exercising of people's will and choices as they participate in life and relationships around them.

The vertical perspective: God's perspective and actions, outside of people's perceptions. It requires God revealing these things in His Word for us to know about them.

The book deals with the obvious occurrence of people exercising their wills (which is observable - the horizontal perspective). It also looks at what the Bible reveals to us about what God may be doing behind the scenes (which cannot be observed - the vertical perspective).

Even though a few illustrations and analogies are included, this book relies heavily on the topic as dealt with from the pages of the Word of God.



About the Author
Steven D. Rhodes is a businessman and former pastor. Steve came to know the Lord as a child and has been studying the Word since his teenage years. He began teaching in 1974 at a high school Bible study. Steve has been sharing the Word ever since.



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