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Food for Thought: Get Your Serving by Rashun Carter

Food for Thought: Get Your Serving

by Rashun Carter

140 pages
A helpful, inspiring guide to making the most of our days.

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Category: Self Help:Inspirational
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About the Book
Making the most of our days begins with us wanting to do so. Of course, it doesn't end there. Some of us struggle with self-worth, focus, patience, or a drive to succeed. This book serves as a guide to overcoming not only those common internal battles but external ones as well. Care to be inspired? Get your serving of Rashun Carter's Food for Thought!


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About the Author
Rashun Carter Rashun Carter is an award-winning author born and raised in Louisville, Kentucky. He aims to provide inspiration and entertainment through multiple genres of writing. He acquired his Bachelor of Science degree from the University of Louisville in 2012. He enjoys traveling, cooking, reading, fitness, and movies in his leisure.



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