by Ronald P. Carr
260 pages
Every life is a story, each story part of our journey, developed from infancy through adulthood based on choices we make, or don't. It’s life’s lessons that help us grow, gain experience and wisdom, and move us along our journey.
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About the Book
Welcome to Crooked Sidewalks Too. I purposely titled it this way, and not Crooked Sidewalks Two, because it is a follow-up to my first book, Crooked Sidewalks. I also see it more as a ‘Crooked Sidewalks Also’, or a continuation with more stories with the same format and purpose to share lessons learned.
I should state right up front that it is my personal belief that each and every one of us is put here on this earth for a purpose. I may not know what that purpose is, but at some time in my life, I may figure it out. There is a beginning, which starts even before we are born, and there is an end on the day we pass away. Everything that happens in between is “the story” of that life. In Crooked Sidewalks, and now Crooked Sidewalks Too, I share a very important principle of life, which I believe relates to how we look at life. I also believe, as I have heard on many occasions, “our life is God’s gift to us, and what we do with that life is our gift back to God.” I believe it.
So, life happens! I believe every life is a story, and every story is a book, but not all books are written. The book is made up of chapters, and unfolds over time. Each chapter represents a period of time, a certain event, a personal relationship or something that defines or leads to what happens next. It can even change the direction of our journey. Some chapters may be short, but others may be long. Some are exciting and some are seriously boring. These chapters can be filled with joy and happiness and some may be filled with sorrow, pain and despair. Some are good and some are bad, or somewhere in between. Some are magical and some are tragedies.
From the time of our birth, and even before, we are impacted by our surroundings, our environment, relations or interactions with those we come in contact with. Some circumstances we have control over, while there are many others we have no control over. As I’ve explained on many occasions, we are being carried downstream in a rushing river with life happening around every bend. It can be extremely exciting or it can be extremely terrifying. Regardless, it is life and the story of our journey.
Since every life matters, a book would do so much to help us learn about our family, our history and our efforts to make the world a better place. We can learn from our failures and successes and share with others, while also learning from others who share their story with us. It may also help us when we contemplate questions like, “Who am I” or, “Why do I exist” or, in the grand scheme of things, “What is my purpose here on earth?” Lord knows, I don’t have all the answers, but I have learned a few things along the way.
My personal stories are represented by the chapters of this book. My story is no more special or less special than anyone else’s. What does make it special to me is that it is mine. They tell me that with age, one gains wisdom. I hope with each lesson learned, I can offer you some insights that will encourage you on your own journey in understanding and in writing the various chapters of your own book.
As I have journeyed through my life, I’ve had my ups and downs, my wins and my losses, and even a few memorable and worthy achievements. Realistically, though, my life is not that so different from a lot of people and, when all is said and done and with all that has happened, I can rejoice in the fact that I have yet another day to live and another chapter to write. Apparently, God isn’t done with me yet. So, I will celebrate that fact and continue to enjoy my journey as I keep moving forward.
"Crooked Sidewalks Too is a carefully prepared, thoughtful and intuitive look at the author's life lessons. Our lives are filled with possibilities, failures, successes and conditions that we do not control. This author delivers his experience with heartfelt commentary, insightfulness and warmth."
- Roy Youngquist, Financial Executive
“The author provides an easy read with enlightening stories of personal experiences. When you walk the Crooked Sidewalks, you’ll be entertained, but you’ll also get a glimpse into the character and priorities of the author. God has blessed this man and I’m proud to call him friend.”
- Verne Wold - Telephone Executive/Entrepreneur
“A reader will find these stories interesting, introspective, and some provocative, and will enjoy getting underway with the author as he weaves his personal philosophy on "life's lessons learned" into each of his stories. I highly recommend the read and the voyage.”
- Marvin Rice, Captain, USN retired
About the Author |
After graduating college with a degree in biology, Ron served in the Navy and later in the Coast Guard Reserves until retirement. As a professional Development Officer, he also raised millions of dollars for numerous charities, authored three books, and wrote a song, later arranged into a symphonic orchestra piece. |