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Dodging With The Devil Only If I Lead: Ancient Antidotes for Health, Wealth, and Relationships. by Barry Gruber

Dodging With The Devil Only If I Lead: Ancient Antidotes for Health, Wealth, and Relationships.

by Barry Gruber

264 pages
The wisdom of the Jews as a light to the nations where today Israel is the world center of return fulfilling the original plan at Mount Sinai to dwell in the land.

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Category: Body, Mind and Spirit
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About the Book
A book of empowerment allowing the reader to look at the Jewish Tradition with an open mind using ancient sources. There is the voice of reason and the voice of feelings that one needs to be aware to distinguish between the two. The voice at Sinai is real and it speaks to us now and for all time. This book will get any Jew to hear this voice again and what it is telling us from a deep Torah perspective. My approach covers nearly 6,000 years of Jewish history with a vision for the future. How can one eradicate doubt to build faith by choosing well from the voice inside?

The non Jewish community can benefit as well from ancient antidotes for success, health and balance. Take to heart the invaluable gems in this book and apply the wisdom of the sages to start understanding why the world is upside down for our benefit!

It is the right time in this global virus to rethink our prejudices and to look beyond them. This book explains new hope for the future where to judge all people favorably in their unique roles we play as both Jew and Gentile and tap into the eternal wisdom of the sages. Israel moves center stage to new roles for all to play.

He aims to share it with all the nations and with fellow Jews. This master piece provides readers with the tools to change negative attitudes and stereotypes, to see the common good in one another. It facilitates the construction of a common bridge for all people of faith to get along.

As a businessman his focus on career has always lead him to humanize business. At a young age, I was a corporate executive in Atlanta, a Personnel Manager for a warehouse with 300 stores, 1000 miles from my birthplace in Springfield, Massachusetts. Fired from my first three jobs after University in 1977, I felt it nearly impossible to be both traditional and practical because of my Jewish beliefs. My conviction not to work on the Jewish Sabbath as commanded on Mount Sinai did not seem natural in America, I felt different and often hid my Jewish identity to fit in. I decided to go East 6,000 miles to the City of Peace, called Jerusalem.

"As I was walking between classes at Hebrew University with my professor at the Institute of Contemporary Jewry, he said with my background that I should try to humanize business. I thought , what a wonderful idea, but it seemed absurd. I learned from the Torah of Moses that Jacob called Yaakov and later Israel, was honest in his business dealings, so I now had a role model to try and follow."

His work in Israel was to improve business. This was only if I was able to improve myself. I decided to learn much Torah through many great teachers called rabbis. He realized like every great Torah personality, one has to leave home to start living a life based in Torah knowledge. One of the many faces of Torah involves character development to improve the world.

The Jewish People the Torah and the Holy Land was the eternal hope and plan for the Creator at Sinai. His mission today is make this dream become a reality for all Jews to find a spark of return. Jews can be a light unto the nations bridging the common element and focus of the Creator, to make Jerusalem great again for all nations. His book is the formula to do just that and restore the peace and kindness to the world that the revelation at Mount Sinai whose smoke on the mountain and fire in the sky appeared. The fire inside me is still alive to share with all the nations, and my fellow Jews in the pages of Dodging With the Devil Only If Lead.

This book will transform and change the reader from the negative attitudes and stereotypes and to see the common good in one another and to make a common bridge for all people of faith to get along as the Torah secrets are revealed for greater understanding as to why the world is so crazy as it says in written ancient texts.


“Rav Gruber engages the reader in some of the most important issues and events in our times.”
- Rabbi Dr. Shai Gorlin, Meitar, Israel
“I have known Berel for 6 years since I made Aliya to Israel. I used to meet him mainly at the home of Avraham Timset on a Friday evening, where I always enjoyed his erudite and learned D’var Torah, spoken with insight and with new chidushim. My son is a rabbi and Mashgiach at Keren BeYavna Yeshiva with his 9 children. I hope to discuss and learn from Berel’s new book when I am there on Shabbat.”
- Simcha Cyril Davidson, London, England, BA MA Cert.Ed. Headmaster
“Gruber’s work in Israel was to improve business.

He aims to share it with all the nations and with fellow Jews. This master piece provides readers with the tools to change negative attitudes and stereotypes, to see the common good in one another. It facilitates the construction of a common bridge for all people of faith to get along.”
- Gadi Grant, Film Producer, Old City Jerusalem



About the Author
Barry Gruber Barry Gruber is a native of Springfield, Massachusetts and currently lives in Jerusalem Israel. His inspiration for the book is to get the reader to see the Jewish historical experience through the ancient texts. His focus is the Torah people and the land are holy designated for 70 gentile nations.



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