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Tales from the Bloody Stump - Volume 1 by Graham Glass

Tales from the Bloody Stump - Volume 1

by Graham Glass

780 pages
Tales from the Bloody Stump is an anthology of stories and poems that can be described as speculative fiction; fantasy, science fiction, studies in bizarre human/animal behavior, surreal and imaginative. All enclosed in a husk of humor.

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Category: Fiction:Fantasy:Short Story Collections
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About the Book

Tales from the Bloody Stump is an anthology of speculative fiction, all enclosed in a husk of humor--humor that is neither snide nor sarcastic. The book includes 15 stories of widely varying lengths, 5 poems, a book of fables (a book within a book), and a novelette. What a bargain!

The collection can be described as surreal, with oddball characters and bizarre behavior. It is a mixture of fantasy, science fiction, abstract worlds, and improbable events and story lines. Each story or poem is unique and unlike any of the others. They are unpredictable, compelling, and easy to read.

Oddly accessible oddness.

The author, Graham Glass, provides an anthology (a book) that you can grab hold of and dive into. Select any story or poem and you will be transported into a space filled with imagination and humor that only a skilled author can provide.

Any offering in Tales from the Bloody Stump can be read multiple times; each time something new may be waiting to be discovered. However, none of it should be taken too seriously.

But be aware, once you read it you can't un-read it.


If these pages could talk, I wouldn't have to read it.
- K.R. Janysek



About the Author
Graham Glass was born by the sea and may someday return. Today, he (they) continues far, so good.



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