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Too Big?: How To Tell and How To Get More Accountability by Bruce D. Thatcher

Too Big?: How To Tell and How To Get More Accountability

by Bruce D. Thatcher

248 pages
Identifies standards for organizational leaders through examination of cases where accountability was/is flawed or missing. Suggests remedies to improve accountability of those at the top of business, governmental and other organizations.

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Category: Business:Leadership
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About the Book
Too Big? identifies accountability standards. It examines five high-profile historical and current cases where accountability was/is flawed or missing: Robert Clive of the British East India Company, John D. Rockefeller of Standard Oil, Ralph Cordiner of General Electric, J. Edgar Hoover of the FBI, Mark Zuckerberg of Facebook/Meta. It shows how such people are not subjected to effective accountability. And it suggests remedies to improve accountability of those at the top of business, governmental and other organizations.



About the Author
Bruce D. Thatcher Bruce Thatcher was born in South Dakota, graduated from Iowa State and University of Chicago, and spent 43 years in business, and civic management and leadership roles. After retirement he established History Speaks Today, for sharing lessons from history. Thatcher and his wife, Carol, live near New Braunfels, Texas.



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