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Three Threads by Randal R. Jones

Three Threads

by Randal R. Jones

374 pages
Three Threads casts three strangers from opposite sides of the world on distinct journeys. Driven by external forces and clandestine missions, each must overcome unique challenges to converge on a land and its people, beset by strife.

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Category: Fiction:Adventure
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About the Book
Three Threads is a sequel to Jones’ first historical fiction novel Pendulum. It casts three strangers from opposite sides of the world on distinct journeys, a lifetime in the making. Driven by external forces and clandestine missions, each must overcome unique challenges to converge on a land and its people, beset by strife.

In this unconventional warfare setting individual skills, capabilities, and experience are tested to the fullest, yet survival ultimately rests in the hands of strangers. Three Threads’ characters, actions, and events are complex but realistic. Jones draws on his professional experience and expertise to present a hard-hitting view of remarkable people in extraordinary circumstances, set in faraway and exotic places amid an everchanging environment.


“From the clandestine infiltration to the covert extraction Jones is on the mark! Three Threads provides a view into regions of the world where most readers have little insight or understanding. The main characters are as diverse and complex as their settings, yet each must ultimately strive for a common purpose. A mesmerizing read!”
- Major General (Retired) Thomas E. Eggers, U.S. Air Force
“Central Asia to the Caucasus, Jones weaves a tapestry of political, military, and cultural intrigue, while demonstrating his deep knowledge of the area and its peoples. As a veteran of three missions in Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan, I am deeply impressed by Jones’ insights into particular cultural mores and practices of the region. This story is both a page turner and a pol-mil textbook.”
- Colonel (Retired) Ted Wilson, U.S. Army, Military Intelligence Corp
“Jones’ captures the tension and drama of an unconventional warfare environment from an operator’s perspective. Presented through three unique characters, he details their diverse backgrounds, personal struggles, and approach to mission planning and execution, while addressing the human conditions that drive them. Three Threads is primer for those who want to understand special operators and their missions.”
- Special Operations Master Chief (SEAL) (Retired) Kevin B. Fields, U.S. Navy


Related Title
  • PENDULUM by Randal R. Jones
    Pendulum pits the secretive United States Military Liaison Mission (USMLM) against the Soviet forces of East Germany and places this rivalry in the context of a Soviet military conspiracy against its own political apparatus.


About the Author
Randal R. Jones Randal (Randy) Jones graduated from West Virginia University with a B.A. in Russian and earned an M.A. in Russian Area Studies from Georgetown University. A retired Special Forces, Russian Foreign Area Officer, and government contractor, he served in a myriad of intelligence and operational assignments around the world.



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