SEX, DRUGS, ROCK and WAR: The Boomer Generation
by Daniel Muller
318 pages
Daniel Muller explores the conflict between generations by sharing life stories of fourteen Baby Boomers. These fascinating life stories serve to explain the impact of families and social environment on current Boomer values.
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About the Book
We have all heard the nicknames for the current generations in the news. Besides the ‘Silent Generation’ (a.k.a. The Greatest Generation) born before 1946, there are Baby Boomers, Generation X, Generation Y (also known as the Millennials), and Generation Z.
In the past few years, there has been an increasing amount of coverage and discussion about the growing frustration between these generations. Some call it a generational war. Much of the debate has to do with the Boomer generation, with younger generations claiming various failures of this generation to provide a world or country that is sustainable and affordable.
TV shows, podcasts, newspaper and magazine articles, movies, and social media have increasingly begun analysis and discussion about this war. It is a hot topic and, unfortunately, becoming more emotional. Most of the analysis and coverage has to do with emerging information about each generation, such as wealth accumulation, party affiliation, changing opinions, habits, values and relationships. Facts and surveys abound, discussing all of these aspects of the generations, and more.
But we all innately understand that generalizations and summaries about the generations can be dangerous, and can only tell a part of the story.
What is the answer to this generational conflict that is beginning to stress friendships, acquaintances, and even families? How can we diffuse the emotion and get to positive solutions that will help heal the divide?
Daniel Muller attempts to understand this growing generational conflict at a more micro level, namely by documenting and sharing the individual life stories of a somewhat random collection of ‘everyday’ Baby Boomers. Besides their life stories, he relates their opinions about a series of hot topics today, all in an attempt to better understand what linkages may exist between their environment, families, early and mid-life years, and how they think and behave today.
‘SEX, DRUGS, ROCK and WAR: The Boomer Generation’ is an enjoyable collection of very diverse life stories. In addition, Muller shares a fascinating analysis of Boomer values and opinions, and hypothesizes about the underlying potential causes of the growing conflict between generations. Finally, he shares his suggestions to calm the generational wars.
Dan follows his initial “Changing Collars”, with a thought-provoking collection of Boomer life stories where he “connects the dots” between life-long experiences and their views of society and the world. These stories are fascinating.
- Michael Moore, Baby Boomer and Former Executive
Each story is like a quick look behind the curtain of a Boomer’s life. It’s a good reminder that we don’t truly know what someone else has been through. Those experiences have shaped their perspective, and understanding their “why” can help us all be more compassionate and accepting.
- Amanda E. Ott, Generation X, Financial Controller
Reading these diverse stories gave me so much insight that I had lacked before. Daniel illustrates Boomers as the trail-blazers some of them are! Reading the book has affected me personally and professionally.
- Trina Bennington, Millennial, Director of IT and Business Engagement
Related Title
CHANGING COLLARS: Lessons in Transitioning from Blue-Collar Roots to White-Collar Success
Daniel Muller
In CHANGING COLLARS, Daniel Muller shares lessons about how to transition from blue-collar roots to a successful white-collar career. The book contains valuable and practical insights which can be readily applied by white-collar workers at any age or career stage. Muller shares key lessons extracted from his career as well as other respected peers.
About the Author |
Daniel Muller had a successful 35-year business career, holding several senior management positions. He is an author and president of DEM Consulting, and lives in Ohio. He speaks to groups and clubs about both of his books. He is an avid golfer, is married, has two children and five grandchildren. |