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Dancing Between Tall Grass by Ilis Trudie Palmer

Dancing Between Tall Grass

by Ilis Trudie Palmer

422 pages
This book of tiny stories is third in an ever-expanding series. The author dances through tall grass as she shares the experiences of a soul triggered. Mystical moments, happy happenings and joyful oracles reveal themselves along the way.

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Category: Body, Mind and Spirit
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About the Book
This book of tiny stories is the third in an ever-expanding series. The author dances through tall grass as she shares the experiences of a soul triggered by the ‘who am I and why am I here’ question.

Mystical moments, happy happenings and joyful oracles reveal themselves in every dance of words across page.

Simple, ordinary language has become her trademark style, as she artfully crafts stories and poems which transports the reader along this soul adventure.

Stories are birthed out of everyday living, and demonstrate the beauty and magic in the mundane, an experience missed by many.



About the Author
Ilis Trudie Palmer Passionate about creating passion, Ilis Trudie believes that the energy embodied through any ardent act can be used to fan the flames of one’s creative endeavors. A self-styled spiritual romantic and seeker who enjoys writing on life, and nature and gardening, and food and spirituality, and meditation and love and sex and orgasms and,… the joyous journey.



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