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The Lives and Adventures of Candy and Kannie by Marvin Cape

The Lives and Adventures of Candy and Kannie

by Marvin Cape

102 pages
A story about twin girls born in 1941 in a north central town in Texas to a widowed mother. Their lives, struggles and experiences and the lessons learned from those.

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Category: Fiction:Christian:Biblical
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About the Book
This book is about twin girls born in 1941 to a widowed mother. The book travels with them from birth through junior high school. They encounter other children and adults. A close friend and her mother are beaten by her father and severely injured. He is captured and sent to prison. The book covers the recoveries and trials as they do. Their personal relationship with God is the glue that binds these twins to their faith. The parents and teachers come together to form a self-help group that teaches these children how to deal with life on a daily basis. Alcohol and drugs are dealt with, and so are feelings and emotions. The spirits in alcohol are evil, and the evil spirits contained in bottles of alcohol, when released, are discussed, and so are the tragedies and traumas unleashed by these evil spirits. These twin girls rise above and beyond these terrifying evil spirits and conquer and prevail. Their mother is a rock star and the prevailing personal influence that guides these twin girls on their way to meet their destiny. This is the first book in a series that will deal with death, teen love, and courtship. It will deal with high school, college cars, boys, and dating. Future books will cover orphaned young people of teenage and a runaway that returns safely home, fully recovers, and becomes an integral part of society. They will take a look at the underbelly of society and the dregs that society has thrown on the human garbage pile. Candy and Kannie flourish and thrive along with a special group of close nit friends and family that includes the world out there if it will allow! I hope to complete this series with the demise of Candy and Kannie in old age. With kids and grandkids to pick up where they leave off and continue to flourish in spite of the HUMAN CONDITION!



About the Author
Marvin Cape At the age of 81 years old this is Marvin Cape’s first book. He lives in Arizona with his wife of forty two years, Norma also an accomplished author, and their little four footed child, Pepper. He has written this book from his own life’s experiences and some 40 years of counseling and pastoral experience. Some of the characters in this book are based somewhat on real people but their names have been changed. As a younger man he loved to fish, hunt and play baseball. He still enjoys being out in the forest with the trees, watching the little critters such as squirrels, listening to the birds chatter. He loves the feel of the wind in his face and watch the clouds float by in the sky. He was raised on a small farm with horses and cows and chickens and all sorts of animals. He is a real cowboy. But his real passion is to teach the Written Word of God to those who will listen. He has always been motivated to place his life in the hands of his heavenly Father and to do His will and not his own. He has learned that love, patience, and kindness are the way to happiness and success. Always love yourself and have great self-esteem. Just never esteem yourself above that which God esteems you. He hopes you enjoy the twin’s story and you gain from it.



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