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HIDDEN IN PLAIN SIGHT 2.0 - Expanded Edition by fdg2022

HIDDEN IN PLAIN SIGHT 2.0 - Expanded Edition

by fdg2022

238 pages
Believers in Christ partake of a meal which is often called the Body and Blood of our Lord Jesus Christ. Hidden in Plain Sight is written for your consideration and not an exhaustive study about the importance of this holy meal.

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About the Book
In recent years the entire world has experienced a pandemic that has in many ways radically changed our day to day lives. In a positive sense, the pandemic has created an opportunity for everyone to evaluate the way we have been living. Perhaps this will lead many to make decisions that can make our daily lives more biblical.

As a member of the worldwide Christian community, I have taken time to quiet myself and pray with a positive emphasis concerning the recent changes that have taken place in both the secular and Christian worlds. This has led me to write this book concerning the Holy Communion and what I find to be in the Scripture that is right there, “hidden in plain sight” concerning it.

During the biblical creation period, it is evident that eating and drinking were necessary for life to be sustained. The original problem which caused the entire creation to be negatively affected was a dietary one. God’s children ate from a forbidden tree. We could say that they ingested poison that has affected all of us. That is so serious. We often call it “the fall.”

I believe that as you read through this book, you will find that the Holy Communion is a major part of the antidote provided in the salvation experience found in Christ. This New Testament covenant meal has the power to enable us to be “more than conquerors” in this here and now life.

Although historically controversial then as they still are now, the words of our Lord Jesus Christ ring true. Let is not reject or reduce them. Let us receive them and enjoy the blessings of His provision. To God be the glory!

"I am the bread of life. Most assuredly, I say to you, unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink His blood, you have no life in you. He who eats My flesh and drinks My blood abides in Me, and I in him.” John 6.48, 53, 56



About the Author
Frederick Gorini is a loving husband and father, who along with his covenant wife of over four decades, founded Rock Church of Daytona Beach in Florida, where they continue to serve the congregation after thirty years of full-time ministry.



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