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A Kind and Forgiving Time by J. David Thayer

A Kind and Forgiving Time

by J. David Thayer

104 pages
It is impossible to know the mind of the driver next to you.

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Category: Fiction:Thriller:Suspense
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About the Book
It’s the Holiday Season on a Saturday morning, and I-55 is as busy as ever. One distracted driver, on his way north to see his mother through her dying process, manages to deeply offend another driver who has nothing left to lose. A man who is already very angry and in need of a proxy to blame for his pain and his ruined life. Now he has one. When a shark follows its prey it can afford to be patient.



About the Author
J. David Thayer is an educator living in Texas. His previous works include the screenplay Robots From Neptune (IMDb) and his short story collection Passing Tones to Nowhere.



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