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When Again This Way I Walk by Linda M. Gigliotti

When Again This Way I Walk

by Linda M. Gigliotti

270 pages
The lives of 1870’s Julia and modern Andie touch as each in her own time faces relational issues common across the ages as times change and people do not.

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About the Book
There are in our world mysteries that defy understanding. Once in a while there comes a gift. Not often. Not to everyone. Or perhaps in our rush we fail to see the gift or acknowledge it for what it is.

Julia and Sam move in the 1870s to the developing Ortsvale hills among wildlife and pioneers where they befriend their neighbors, a family of color. Almost 140 years later on a spring afternoon Andie walks for the last time in the Ortsvale hills that tomorrow will be devastated. As she gazes into the forest she experiences a vision of its pioneer inhabitants following which her drive for answers leads her to understand her present. In seeking her city’s roots she discovers the universal design of all individuals throughout the centuries. The lives of Julia and Andie touch as each in her own time faces relational issues common across the ages as times change and people do not.


I had the privilege to be one of the first readers of Linda's novel and from the first page I was drawn into the story and felt as if I was part of it, thanks to Linda's extraordinary way of describing the scenery and the characters. A beautiful story about life, love, family, traditions and friendship with a twist of mystery and suspense. Linda sends you on a journey between the past and the present, reminding you that life is about being curious and courageous. - Tina Mundelsee
- Tina Mundelsee
Linda Gigliotti’s novel, When Again This Way I walk, invites readers into the lives of two families, living in the same location but a century apart. The dual-timeline story begins when Andie gazes into the forest and experiences a life-like vision of a woman and girl of previous time. Throughout the story, we follow Andie, her family, and the choices and decisions each must make and the parallel issues that Julia and her family cope with. With touches of mystery and illusion, Gigliotti deftly alternates between eras to reveal how the lives and issues of these two women, and perhaps all of us time unto time, face similar challenges, experience the same joys, and struggle to discover our deepest truths. - Judy Reeves
- Judy Reeves


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About the Author
Linda M. Gigliotti Author Linda M. Gigliotti has history as private writing instructor and report checker for the students of her local university as well as for other users of the written word. As well she worked as instructional tutor for a correspondence writing program and as columnist for a local news outlet. More recently she published the revised edition of HowMaster: The Writer’s Guide to Beautiful Word Crafting (BookLocker 2016). When Again This Way I Walk (BookLocker 2023) is her first novel. She lives in Canada where she practices what she preaches about staying fit to write.



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