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Eve Redeemed: A Woman's Journey by Evelyn Ann Romano

Eve Redeemed: A Woman's Journey

by Evelyn Ann Romano

50 pages
This chapbook of both prose and lyrical poems spans three time periods in a woman's life. Each period outlines the emotional inner life she is experiencing. She feels trauma, growth and acceptance and finally wisdom. Maybe JOY?

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About the Book
"Eve Redeemed-A Woman's Journey" maps a woman's life through three separate stages. The poems in the 1st section deal with significant early life trauma which shapes the woman's emotional landscape for many years. The poems here do not hold back in description of very painful events which left lasting scars. The last poem in this section deals with fear of dying.

The second section contains more prosy poems which reflect growth and understanding and more awareness of the world around her. Her inner pain is no longer so visible and aids her in feeling more empathy for others and better understanding of human foibles.

The third section contains more lyrical poems which add more magic/mysticism to reflect a much happier and at last an accepting place to gain inner peace. The woman's perspective and awareness of the world's physical beauty (nature) open her up emotionally to a place she hasn't been before.

The writer here hopes all women can identify to some degree that early difficulties/challenges do not have to define their entire lives and real change is possible and very rewarding when you arrive there.


"you'll want to read it through, and then again,finding the connections tying the poems—as well as writer and reader—together"
- Katie Riegel
"Evelyn Ann Romano brilliantly bridges the past with the present, the mundane with the sublime, the deeply personal with the universal.In this gorgeous collection,loss and longing glide side by side with wonder"
- Melissa Carroll
"Evelyn Ann Romano gives us a peek into eternity while immersing us in nature."
- Angela Masterson Jones



About the Author
Evelyn Ann Romano Evelyn Ann Romano is a poet who relocated to Tampa, Florida from New Jersey after an early retirement. She is a graduate of Rutgers University and has been published in many journals and anthologies. She has won numerous awards for her poems, including multiple awards from Tampa Writers Alliance. Her debut chapbook,"RIPE" was published in 2019 by Finishing Line Press.



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