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Indelible Impression by Debbie Grimshaw

Indelible Impression

by Debbie Grimshaw

224 pages
A mid-shift panic attack causes ER nurse, Elizabeth Barclay to bolt. Her job in jeopardy, a friendship with graveyard caretaker offers hope in regaining her balance. But a shocking graveyard discovery threatens to unhinge her completely.

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Category: Fiction:Mystery:Detective
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About the Book
Entangled in her life’s most difficult journey, ER nurse Elizabeth Barclay is facing an unknown challenger. Baffled? Yes. Embarrassed? Absolutely!

Unable to face coworkers, she seeks peace in the solace of a graveyard.

Meeting a cemetery caregiver with a heart for the hurting, Elizabeth is captivated by Kenneth Greyson’s sage advice. She seeks to absorb the peace that this ‘Guardian of the Markers’ radiates. An indelible impression is unforgettable, a permanent imprint, and as he tells her, “You, my dear, have made many indelible impressions.”

Oakwood Cemetery has a mystery of its own. Long buried and suddenly exposed like the anxiety Elizabeth is battling. Draw alongside these unlikely friends and perhaps in the journey you will discover a thing or two about yourself.

There is encouragement wrapped in this mystery for those who seek it.



About the Author
Debbie Grimshaw Author, writer, speaker - Debbie Grimshaw. From foster-care to adoption and homeschooling, add women and family ministry; this writer of encouragement adds personal insight to real life issues. Bask in her inspirational writings at and stay connected through her newsletter.



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