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The Two Ugly Detectives Agency: A Lafayette Larson Mystery by S.D. Fisher

The Two Ugly Detectives Agency: A Lafayette Larson Mystery

by S.D. Fisher

324 pages
Jealousy, drugs, family dysfunction, murder - the "two ugly detectives" face it all as they search for a missing woman.

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Category: Fiction:Mystery:Private Investigators
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About the Book
Partners in Janus Investigations, Lafayette "Lafe" Larson and Mike Zwygert jokingly refer to themselves as the "two ugly detectives" due to their looks.

But Lafe and Mike face real ugliness when a young Down Syndrome woman unexpectedly shows up in their office and asks them to find her missing sister - and has an astonishing amount of money to pay for an investigation. As long as it's kept secret from her father.

The partners land neck-deep in a vortex of jealousy, drugs, family dysfunction, and murder. Deaths pile up, and they must work hard not to find themselves and their client on top of that pile.


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About the Author
S.D Fisher has been an English teacher, a U.S. Army Broadcast Specialist, a teacher of the hearing impaired, an instructional designer and a freelance writer. When not writing mysteries, he’s an amateur cartoonist and has two miniature schnauzers as critics of his work – with help from a black cat.



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