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The Whiskey Journal: Definitely Not a NATO Role III MMU Publication by C.W. Rastall

The Whiskey Journal: Definitely Not a NATO Role III MMU Publication

by C.W. Rastall

330 pages
The Whiskey Journal is a daily account of the life of a Sailor deployed to the Role III Hospital in Kandahar, Afghanistan, during its last rotation and the height of the COVID-19 worldwide pandemic.

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Category: Memoir:Medical
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About the Book
A stalled career leads one Navy Pharmacy Technician to volunteer to deploy to the Role III Hospital at Kandahar Airfield, Afghanistan. Leaving behind a pregnant wife, two young children, and a sick mother-in-law, C.W. Rastall documents his daily life during the 231 days he was away from home.

The Whiskey Journal is a behind-the-scenes look at the reality of being deployed to the Navy's longest serving combat hospital during its last rotation. Follow along as the author deals with the constantly changing policies of the military because of the COVID-19 pandemic, navigating the new friendships and personalities of others in his rotation, his weight loss struggle, his attempts to stay connected to the people left behinds, and his search for purpose in his career.

Interspersed with the journal entries, the author shares stories and postscripts that provide context and depth to his journey. From the goodbyes at the airport in Japan, to training in the middle of nowhere Texas, to finally landing in Kandahar, Afghanistan, follow C.W. Rastall's journey of personal growth. Snarky and irreverent at times, deeply introspective at others, The Whiskey Journal takes your through a long separation from the normal world and out the other side.



About the Author
C.W. Rastall C.W. Rastall is from suburbia Wisconsin, and embraces many monikers from the Sconnie Sailor to the Pharmboss. He enlisted in the US Navy in 2008 and is married to his wife Saori who is the mother of their three sons: Josiah, Atticus and Oliver.



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