Maybe You Should Write and Publish A Magazine!
by William Cory
160 pages
Write, Publish and Profit From Glossy Regional Special-Interest Magazines!
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Category: Writing:Publishing:Self-publishing
About the Book
All part-time writers want to break into a full-time writing niche. This book can lead you to the first step toward it. Combining his 40 years of experience in writing, graphics and printing, the author has created this instructive book that will show any writer or graphic artist one way to finally "quit the day job."
Think about it: Magazine stands display hundreds of publications covering, well, hundreds of subjects. They share one property: Almost every one of them is financed by advertising. And, almost every one is national or statewide in coverage!
Local readers pore over them, searching for information on how to design and plant a new lawn, buy shoes for a long hike, organize a wedding, prepare for a cross-country family move, outfit a camping vacation etc. But, where are the local magazines covering all those same subjects? A definite, thriving market exists for them: Every reader of those national magazines needs and wants local information on local products and services.
The idea occurred to the author one night in 1990. A good local wedding magazine was needed. As a wedding photographer, he had expertise in a subject on which people needed help and would definitely make local purchases. Perfect!
You can do the same with any subject for which there is a local advertising base. On the book's cover is a partial list of subjects. If you're already an expert in any subject on which a national magazine exists, you can profit from publishing in the local market!
With insight and marketing savvy borne of experience, the author of this ebook reveals a market for your writing that is highly profitable. Through high-quality, small magazines, a writer can provide local information that is wanted and needed, while at the same time creating a quality ad outlet for local businesses, and a huge amount of work for local ad designers.
The book describes, step by step, a complete business venture. From typing the opening words— "It was a dark and stormy night, but Joe's wise purchase of storm shutters kept his family secure."— to delivering colorful, glossy magazines through local merchants.
If the words "publishing system" come to mind, you're right on target. With expertise that comes from twenty years of doing exactly what this book describes, Mr. Cory's organization of the material is readable, humorous at times, and always understandable — especially regarding technical aspects.
Illustrated in color and black and white, and showing various stages of magazine page production, this eBook in PDF format will explain the publishing of these quality local magazines so well, you will find yourself muttering, "Why didn't I do that?" Now, you can!
Also included are supplemental website links, including an available-for-order CD with 125 files in multiple program formats that will streamline your design and layout process. Purchasers of the CD also receive copies of recently printed magazines along with the CD. And, a free screen-capture video series will be released soon showing layout techniques.
About the Author |
William Cory has been a professional writer for 40 years, in various occupations from AAA travel to newspapers. Raised in Southern California's Orange County when orange groves covered the landscape, he escaped from there with his family to Colorado Springs, where he now views Pikes Peak from his home office window and self-publishes various books and magazines. |