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WHAT IS TRUTH? by Jane Ellen


by Jane Ellen

216 pages
This book reflects on an abusive childhood, a failed marriage, searching for God, a diabolical plan, surviving a brutal assault at the hands of a satanic man, recovery, and inspiration from God to share the truth of His Word. Must Read!

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Category: Memoir:Christian
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About the Book
This book is the result of my lifelong search for God. Living with childhood abuse, then a failed marriage which ultimately led me down a path to become the perfect victim for an evil and satanic man to violently murder. Surviving with God’s help, and sharing why we must not lose faith, because in the end GOOD will always triumph over EVIL. If you believe evil does exist, then you need to read this book. I think many of you will connect with the events in this book on some level.

Please request your copy via e-mail of the free CD designed to accompany this book; it is a great addition and aide as we share a few Bible stories (revealing their deeper spiritual meaning) and another event from my life not mentioned in this book. I would call this book anything but ordinary.

Happy Reading!



About the Author
Jane Ellen Jane Ellen began writing when she was eleven years old. She found she had a true love for writing, poetry and God. She eventually wrote this book about the events in her life to offer hope. She has also published a children's book called 'A Star for Santa'.



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