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Those With Virtue Borne of Chaos by Thomas R. Young

Those With Virtue Borne of Chaos

by Thomas R. Young

752 pages
There are those with virtue and sin but only borne from the chaotic reality in which we live.

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Category: Fiction:Fantasy
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About the Book
In the chaotic reality certain individuals are living, they come together to seek stones that will end a devastating war upon their lands. What starts in an inn much like similar stories extends into an unfolding series of crushingly difficult events that only those with virtue would be able to shoulder. There are those borne of virtue living in a life of chaos, and this is their origin.


Related Titles
  • Those With Virtue Rescue The Queen by Thomas R. Young
    In the endlessly swaying trees of Filltroske, a queen has been kidnapped. Seven individuals amidst a group of others form a search party. They enter the forest but do not leave unchanged.
  • Those With Virtue Dream For Better Days by Thomas R. Young
    A continuation into the stories pertaining to Those With Virtue with Violet Diamond and others she holds dear.
  • Those With Virtue Dream For Better Nights by Thomas R. Young
    A continuation into the stories pertaining to Those With Virtue with Violet Diamond and others she holds dear.


About the Author
Thomas R. Young is a writer whose style portrays literature with a derivative nature of storytelling to encompass themes, morals, and emotional appeal. Writings meant to convey a sense of meaningful entertainment that can be reflected upon after each sit-down session.



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