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A DAY UNLIKE ANY OTHER DAY by Marvin Dittfurth


by Marvin Dittfurth

82 pages
This is the story of my attempt, my personal, physical, and journey, to complete an ironman distance triathlon at an advanced age.

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About the Book
This is the story of my journey from a marathoner to a triathlete, to trying to do an ironman distance triathlon (2.4-mile swim, 112-mile bike, and a 26.2 mile run within 17 hours).

The journey begins almost like a whisper from God, a calling from within to pursue this dream. This pursuit and its many failures and successes make up the journey to that Day Unlike Any Other Day where I finally fully embrace the final enormity and totality of the experience this arduous journey has brought me to.

This is the story of an old 74-year-old, no-talent triathlete chasing his dream and thanking God for it all.



About the Author
Marvin Dittfurth Marvin Dittfurth, age 78, is a Christian endurance sports athlete, husband (married almost 50 years) and father. He swims, bikes, or runs most days and sometimes does all three. He has completed hundreds of running events, 32 marathons and 53 triathlons.



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