by Mary Duryea MD
214 pages
This book discusses yoga teachings while correlating them with anatomy and physiology concepts from Western medicine. Yoga therapy is presented as a valuable addition to integrative medicine, holistic health, and individual self-care.
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About the Book
Yoga has been practiced for thousands of years and is now embraced by millions around the world for its numerous benefits. In this book, timeless yogic wisdoms meet modern medicine. Dr. Mary Duryea shares her personal journey as a family physician and busy mother who was introduced to yoga later in life. She describes the teachings of yoga from her perspective influenced by life experiences, and integrates yoga concepts with her medical knowledge.
A brief history of the migration of yoga to the Western world is given, including some interesting influential figures. Sections in this book are devoted to some of the ancient teachings encompassed by yoga, such as the Yoga Sutras, the chakras and nadis (energetic concepts), koshas (different aspects of an individual), kleshas (sources of pain and suffering), ayurvedic medicine and the doshas (bioenergetic traits). Some techniques for practicing breath work, physical postures, meditation, and mindfulness are included. By integrating explanations with concepts in Western medicine and anatomy, the author answers questions of how and why the tools of yoga work.
Scientific studies showing some of the benefits of yoga practices are discussed. Case studies as examples of yoga therapy are presented to illustrate the practical use of yoga for optimizing overall health.
Health-care professionals, yoga teachers, yoga therapists, and anyone interested in learning more about the body-mind-spirit relationship will find this information fascinating and educational. Yoga as Integrative Medicine: Yoga Sutras Meet Gray's Anatomy is written to be accessible to readers of all levels.
The goals of this book are to educate health professionals and interested readers about yoga, to encourage the use of yoga therapy as a valuable addition to integrative medicine, and to advocate for practicing yoga as a powerful holistic resource for individual self-care.
Integration of body-mind-spirit is one of the benefits that yoga strives toward. Once learned, techniques to assist in this personal internal integration are accessible to virtually everyone, with little cost or additional resources needed. A desire for self-nurturing along with a commitment to practice the teachings of yoga may lead to improved physical, mental, and spiritual health and a more content and joyful life. This book may be a valuable step in that journey.
As a both certified mindfulness meditation and yoga instructor, I found Dr. Mary Duryea’s book a very enlightening offering combining longtime Eastern yoga practice and philosophy, with the infusion of modern Western medicine diagnosis and treatment. Her terminology and descriptions are very accessible, and I recommend this book for yoga and meditation teachers, medical practitioners, as well as students that want to understand how both ancient traditions and modern medicine are connected, and can work together in helping many medical conditions.
- Shane Ledford, CMT-200, CYT-200
Yoga, an ancient practice dating back over 5,000 years, has skyrocketed in popularity during recent decades in the Western world. However, what has been missing until now is an informed connection between yoga and modern medicine. In her book, Dr. Mary Duryea, a longtime yoga teacher and primary care physician, skillfully synthesizes basic tenets of modern medicine and the practice of yoga. This book is a factual but entertaining eye opener for yoga practitioners and the medical profession, both of whom have much to learn from each other.
- Sheila Honig, English Instructor--University of Missouri-Kansas City
Mystic mantras and modern medicine come together in this practical book to create a powerful guide to living a healthy life. Dr. Mary Duryea communicated her ideas clearly and made complex concepts simple, even for a lay reader like myself. The blend of the two disciplines is intriguing, and the book is a valuable tool for my personal journey toward integrated health.
- Constance Ward, Former International Journalist and Corporate Spokesperson
About the Author |
Dr. Mary Duryea initially worked as a physician assistant, then a family practice physician, before training to become a yoga therapist. She has lectured to medical students, health professionals, yoga training programs, and hosted several workshops. This book is inspired by her passion for yoga therapy as part of integrative medicine. |