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Wooden Ships; Iron Man by William G Mangan

Wooden Ships; Iron Man

by William G Mangan

90 pages
Back when ships were wood with sails powered by wind, men were tough as iron. They sailed following the stars, ate dried food, lived spartan lives and endured rough seas. This is one man's adventures living in that world and more.

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Category: Biography:Historical
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About the Book
This is the story of a man who left Germany in the 1890's at age 18, signed on as a crew member of a sailing ship then traveled the world finally settling in Seattle, WA.

Then as sailing ships gave way to steam, he made that transition.

As he moved, he sent postcards to Germany leaving a trail of breadcrumbs marking his location. Each postcard was postmarked thereby revealing the date. Later in years he recounted his adventures to his grandson who obtained the postcards from Germany and tracked his grandfather's travels then combined that with the stories grandfather told him.



About the Author
William G Mangan William G Mangan is the grandson of the subject of the book WOODEN SHIPS;IRON MAN. A Vietnam Navy vet, homebuilder, flight instructor and martial artist who played college football. A father, grandfather, married and living on a golf course in the Pacific Northwest.



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