Beyond Reason: How To Deal With Difficult Loved Ones
by Deborah Day Poor
190 pages
The author shares her experience, strength and hope to help readers end the cycle of abuse that began during their childhoods and compelled them to recreate difficult adult relationships.
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About the Book
This book is divided into the following five sections: Codependency, Addictions, Eating Disorders, Personality Disorders, Recovery. To explain them and the negative effects they have on our lives, the author shares interesting stories about her life and what she did to help her to stop complaining and start celebrating.
Freud said, "Buried pain does not decompose." Knowing this helps us to understand why we who grew up in troubled families are the ones most at risk to have difficulty with our adult relationships.
"Beyond Reason: How To Deal With Difficult Loved Ones" explains the role our subconscious mind plays in our mate selection, causes of addictions, eating disorders and personality disorders and most importantly what we can do to improve ourselves and our relationships.
Deborah's work as a psychotherapist for the past thirty plus years persuaded her to write this book. By listening to her clients, she learned that many of them did not know that they were assuming that the difficult people in their lives were as reasonable and eager to please as they themselves were. Instead of assertively telling them how they felt and asking for what they want, they mistakenly believed that a logical explanation would take care of their relationship difficulties. Consequently, they did not learn the effectiveness of being assertive and setting appropriate boundaries.
A five star review. This book explains exactly how to deal with difficult loved ones. I wish I read it before I got married because I would have known better than to marry someone who was incapable of loving me and making our marriage work.
- WC
The book "Beyond Reason: How To Deal With Difficult Loved Ones" helped me define my behaviors with loved ones and others. Very helpful!
- Sue
I have read both of Deborah Day Poor's books. As a Pastor, I find her experience and knowledge helpful I don't hesitate to recommend and give her newest book, "Beyond Reason", five stars.
Deborah Poor writes in a way that makes you feel like you're in the same room with her. She makes complicated issues like addictions, eating and personality orders easy to understand.
- Ron
This easy to read book gives educational and beneficial views into subjects that impact people's lives and relationships. Her personal stories make it interesting.
- E.A.
I found this book easy to read and understand. it is interesting and informative.
- Marjorie
I love the emphasis the author puts on the importance of speaking our truths.
- DD
Deborah writes in a way that is easy to understand. She uses examples from her experiences as a daughter, wife, mother and psychotherapist.
- Diane
Deborah Day Poor's book, "Beyond Reason: How to Deal With Difficult Loved Ones" is well written, full of stories taken from her three decades of work as a psychotherapist specializing in treating addictions, eating and personality disorders. She supplements her academic training with understanding and empathy that comes from her personal experiences.
- Dr. Robert L. Hill
"Beyond Reason" is an easy to read, inexpensive book with priceless information.
- Linda L. Geske retired psychiatric nurse/author
About the Author |
Deborah has worked as a psychotherapist for more than thirty years. She is well known for her book, "Peace At Any Price" and for helping couples with her no fault workbook titled "For Couples Who'd Rather Be Happy Than Right'. |