How I Became a Published (and Paid!) Writer in Less than a Week
by Christina Spence
57 pages
The complete 10-step method I developed to get published...FAST!
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About the Book
How I
Became a Published (and Paid!) Writer in Less than a Week
is YOUR guide to getting published and paid...FAST!
After you've read all the dreary statistics about how impossible
it is to get published, then you'll want to read this book to put
everything back in perspective. Rather than doom and gloom, this
helpful, friendly guide will make you feel far more confident in
your writing ability, and your chances for getting published.
Christina developed and uses this plan herself...because it WORKS!
By breaking down the writing and publishing process in ten easily
digestable steps, she has in essence taken much of the anxiety away
from new writers. Instead of wondering where to start, what to write,
and who to contact, you can use that energy towards getting your
first article written, and then published!
In this guide, you will learn:
* How Christina turned her life-long writing dream into a real,
thriving career...and had landed her first regular writing assignment
within a week!
* What freelancing is and what it isn't, and if this career is right
for you.
* WHY it's not impossible for YOU to be a published, and paid writer,
no matter what your background or education.
* The TEN STEPS that guide you from start (getting organized and
ready to write) to finish (publication of your article). Each step
is carefully outlined, to get you results!
* WHAT to write, along with helpful brainstorming exercises to come
up with more article ideas than you'll ever need.
* WHO will buy what you write (including 40 specially chosen writer's
markets just for new writers)
* HOW to write an excellent query letter, and mistakes to avoid.
* HOW to re-sell your articles to make more money from each piece.
* HOW to start today!
By the last page of this guide, you'll realize that a career in
writing is NOT impossible. You'll learn how to get started NOW,
and get published more quickly than you may have thought possible.
How I Became a Published (and Paid!) Writer in Less than
a Week is your first step in a long, and lucrative writing
About the Author |
Christina is a full-time freelancer - having developed a popular self-syndicated newspaper column, and writing regularly for magazines and papers around the world.
She now specializes in helping new writers get their writing career off to a fast, and fantastic start! |