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Aikido: Principles of Kata and Randori by Nick Lowry

Aikido: Principles of Kata and Randori

by Nick Lowry

200 pages
Training book for aikido kata, randori, and technical study.

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About the Book

Aikido: Principles of Kata and Randori is a fully illustrated research guide for students of aikido, and includes step by step explanations of the four major katas of aikido, an in depth technical discussion of off balance and control principles utilized in both kata and randori, as well as a detailed discussion of the underlying physical and strategic principles that form the core of aikido techniques.



About the Author
Nick Lowry is ranked rokudan in Aikido, rokudan in Shindo Muso Ryu Jodo, and godan in Judo. Nick has had the good fortune to train directly under Shihan Karl Geis in aikido, judo and jodo. Nick holds a M.A. in English and owns Windsong Dojo, in Oklahoma City.



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