There is Life After a Stroke
by Michelle Lord
73 pages
A practical guide for stroke victims and their loved ones.
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About the Book
is Life After a Stroke is a motivational and how to guide
on what to expect after a stroke. In 1996 Gene and Michelle Lord
had a life changing experience. At the age of 36 Gene had a massive
stroke. They had been married since 1979 and had three teenage children.
Michelle was told by doctors in the emergency room that if the bleeding
in his brain did not stop that he would be dead within 24 hours.
He was not a surgical candidate because of how deep in the brain
the bleeder was and it had to stop on its own. It did stop bleeding,
but there was a hard road of recovery ahead of them. Gene had to
relearn how to do everything from sitting up to being able to feed
himself, because the stroke basically caused him to physically revert
back to being a baby again. He could speak, but physically he could
not even sit up in the bed. He was in the hospital for two months
and then in a day program of rehabilitation for another two months.
They had to overcome doctors that did not think Gene was a rehabilitation
candidate, family and financial problems, loss of everything they
owned, but they were able to triumph. They knew though that with
the large number of strokes that occur each year that there are
many families out there who need practical information on what to
expect and how to handle this life changing event.
This experience inspired Michelle to write a book of their personal
journey. This is a practical guide on what to expect once a loved
one has had a stroke. There are chapters that deal with finances,
rehabilitation, clothing, travel, hygiene, etc. There are also chapters
on stroke prevention, what is a stroke, and web sites and other
references on how to find supplies and more information to help
you find the resources you are need of now that your loved one has
experienced a stroke.
Michelle wanted to help others understand how their lives were going
to change and how to get through even though it seems like the odds
are against you. This is a story of triumph over an almost impossible
situation. This book is not only motivational, but is also a self
help guide to prepare family members, friends, and any one whose
life has been affected by a loved one or friend having suffered
a stroke. Even if your family has not been affected by a stroke,
this guide is a wonderful book to read just to see how they were
able to overcome all odds and triumph from this very difficult situation.
About the Author |
Michelle Lord is a writer, singer, musician, and artist, whose life changed in 1996 when her husband Gene suffered a massive stroke. This experience motivated her to write their story as an inspiration to others. This is Michelle's first book. She is available for concerts and motivational lectures. |