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Earth Ghosts: The Search Begins by Steve Selman

Earth Ghosts: The Search Begins

by Steve Selman

94 pages
Every hobby has its golden days and this book captures the pastime of metal detecting in Ontario, Canada at its best in the explosive years of changes in detector technology and development. It's a firsthand account of magical moments then.

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About the Book
Earth Ghosts is a look back at the not-to-be-duplicated days of metal detecting in Ontario, Canada during a time of huge opportunity made possible by the introduction of major technical advances in detector development.

There was a time when the soil at parks, public areas, schools and fairgrounds was crowded with signals and finds. No quiet ground. You were busy constantly.

You hear startling tales today of barely touched northern lakes where the fishing simply boggles. There was a time when targets and finds in the field for the metal detecting enthusiast were equally amazing.

Join the author as he revisits some of those magical days in the search for lost treasure at sites that once couldn't be visited enough.



About the Author
The author has been involved with the hobby of metal detecting for over 40 years. He's experienced the very best days of land hunting through towns and cities along Lake Ontario's northern waterfront. He has shared some of those adventures with readers of Western and Eastern Treasures in the past. Historian, diarist, poet, he has much to share.



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