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The Life Of Death Show by Mary Torre Kelly

The Life Of Death Show

by Mary Torre Kelly

404 pages
THE LIFE OF DEATH SHOW is the story of a deceased father who communicates messages from dead spirits to his popular news anchor daughter who then delivers these messages on "The Life Of Death" TV show. The show subverts the finality of death.

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Category: Fiction:Paranormal
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About the Book
THE LIFE OF DEATH SHOW is the story of a father and daughter twosome who manage over time to subvert the finality of death. Jessie is a network news anchor who gets rattled, then entranced, by the voice of her deceased father, Henry, persuading her to deliver his messages from spirits in another bardo instead of the evening news.

Jessie's husband Seaborn launches The Life Of Death Show unleashing the supernatural into everyday life. Henry channels messages from the famous and the not-so, naming names and death dates.

But even as Jessie has a supernova rise as the televisionary she makes powerful enemies. Religious extremists and other haters as well as the paparazzi make her life a living hell. Her dreams of having a baby and a normal family life have been put on hold. She is alienated from her own mother, and both her brothers turn against her, and call her crazy.

In five years time Henry has become her demon tormentor. As the trance like state begins to wear thin she decides to reclaim her life by defying Henry and denouncing what has become a tyranny of the dead. She must in effect "Kill" Henry in order to have a regular normal life with her husband Seaborn.



About the Author
Mary Torre Kelly Mary Torre Kelly grew up in Florida, and later received a BFA Degree from the Atlanta College of Art. She was a real estate agent in Atlanta when she dropped out and began to follow a passion to write. Her first novel, GUAVA DREAMS has five stars on Amazon.



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