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How God Answered Us All: Spiritual, Paranormal & the Unknown - Revised Edition by Ruth  Walker

How God Answered Us All: Spiritual, Paranormal & the Unknown - Revised Edition

by Ruth Walker

298 pages
This book is a Christian based written account sharing true spiritual and paranormal events transpiring in the life of the author. Logic becomes employed as the years pass unifying the physical and spiritual realities. Humanities perception of time itself, interdimensional realities, and the power of the mind are all brought into question.

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Category: Spirituality And Psychology:Supernatural
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About the Book
This book is a written account sharing true spiritual and paranormal events that transpired in the life of the author. The accounting of these experiences highlight how higher forces, or the truth of God's reality was accepted as a real and active guiding force.

What we identify as the supernatural made itself known relatively early in the author's life. Logic becomes employed as the years pass unifying science and spirituality throughout the book. Humanities perception of time itself, interdimensional realities, and the power of the mind are all brought into question.

Paralyzed for a year from the waist down as an infant, the author was able to walk and give birth to her own children despite medical expectations. As a teenager, another accident surrounded by unexpected contributing factors caused the author to pass through the hands of death three times. The doctor's original medical diagnosis was extremely grim, where the word "vegetable" was used.

A progression of expanded understanding developed as a result of these staggered, but undeniable supernatural experiences. Many experiences concerning the mystical clearly showed the valid reality of higher forces well beyond the superficial mindset of commonality in what is accepted as 'normality' in society.



About the Author
Ruth  Walker Ruth Walker focuses on higher awareness as an unbending Christian; without maintaining attendance in a religious institution. Self-described as an average person, and struggling through the normal stages in life, the author reaches to understand humanities connection to higher-powers having experienced astounding spiritual/paranormal events.



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