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Ethics, Reason, & Excellence: A Simple Formula for Leadership by Kevin Unruh

Ethics, Reason, & Excellence: A Simple Formula for Leadership

by Kevin Unruh

104 pages
The title speaks for itself. Ethics, Reason, & Excellence very succinctly and effectively delivers a unifying and universal perspective on leadership based on keen observations of human nature, insightful applications of human psychology, and an astute examination of three principles that are assured to make any manager a successful leader.

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About the Book
Ethics, Reason, & Excellence: A Simple Formula for Leadership presents three leadership pillars for all types of leaders. This book distills these leadership principles into pleasantly fluent and easy to understand language in a thorough but concise collection of short chapters. It is confident in its wisdom but unimpressed by the truth of its convictions. Ethics, Reason, & Excellence offers as sincere a blueprint for leadership as can be found in the vast collection of books on the subject that are arguably 200 pages too long. True leadership is about ethics and craftsmanship. This books book proves this assertion easily and convincingly.


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About the Author
Kevin Unruh has master's degrees in counseling and research psychology and enjoys discussing philosophy, the law, art, wine, human nature and most everything else. He wears plaid most every day, likes to do landscaping projects at home, and talks to every dog he meets. And sometimes he writes.



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