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Selling America to the Highest Bidder: Hypocrisy Is Not Democracy! by J. Mark A. Swan, PhD

Selling America to the Highest Bidder: Hypocrisy Is Not Democracy!

by J. Mark A. Swan, PhD

296 pages
Selling America To The Highest Bidder: Hypocrisy Is Not Democracy! is a novel of political discovery in which a man and a woman, working together and arguing about what they find, fall in love as they expose destructive forces at work in a search for political integrity in America.

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Category: Politics
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About the Book
If, in a reflective moment, you have ever wondered what to make of American Politics, so has the author. Troubled by what he has seen and heard; he has spent five years trying to decipher what is really going on. This book is a summary of his discoveries and conclusions.

There are those among us willing and able, at this moment, to rule America by the desires of wealth alone, without the input of the people, certainly without reference to our constitution, and absolutely without concern for the health and needs of all on the planet.

The author's final thought: it's up to us, the people, to make America what we want it to become--now--or the choice may cease to be ours.



About the Author
J. Mark A. Swan, PhD Mark holds a B.S. from Trinity College, Dublin, and PhD in Ecology from the University of Saskatchewan. In retirement, he has examined American political ethics from the perspective of a voter. In Selling America...Mark describes a republic under siege by unscrupulous leaders seeking permanent control of our nation.



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