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The Poet's Perfume: Food for thought and thought for food by KEVIN MULLANEY

The Poet's Perfume: Food for thought and thought for food


68 pages
These poetic writings center on the mind, spirit, and soul in a philosophical and spiritual way and how they tie to each other. Other topics that are expressed in poetic verse range from man's interaction with nature along with the struggles some of us face during times of isolation and loneliness as we find ways to love ourselves and others.

Paperback $24.95   + $8.59 shipping & handling (USA)
(add $2.20 S&H per additional copy)
Hardcover $31.95   + $9.68 shipping & handling (USA)
(add $2.48 S&H per additional copy)
Category: Poetry
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About the Book
The Poet's Perfume picks up where Mullaney's last book of poems, 'A Divine Appointment', left off. It is divided into four sections:
1: You & I – Linking Body and Mind
2: You & I & Spirit – Unfolding the Spirit of Man and Humanity
3: You & I & Love – Joining the Soul with Spirit through Love (Spiritual & Physical)
4: Food for Thought & Thought for Food – Contemplations & Reflections.

This book explores the different aspects of love; love of life, love of beauty, love of nature, love for oneself, and a deep attraction one feels for another. The poems also probe topics of a starker nature such as suicide, death, and heartbreak. Ultimately, the impression or takeaway after reading this small book of poetic verse is a feeling of gratitude for that miraculous gift of life.

If you sit and spend some time with these poems, their words will find their way into your heart and you might notice that they will also refresh and enliven your own undying spirit.


Related Titles
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  • The Wind in the Whisper: Affirmations on the Sacredness of Life by Kevin Mullaney
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About the Author
KEVIN MULLANEY This is Kevin Mullaney’s third book following the 2014 release of Earth & Sky, Heart & Soul, and the 2018 release of A Divine Appointment. He makes his home in the Southwest where stately monuments burnt with sun, rise to greet the grateful admirer and the night skies glimmer with the lamps from a million stars.



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