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After the Fireworks: 40 Poems of Learning About Life by Nancy Cross Dunham

After the Fireworks: 40 Poems of Learning About Life

by Nancy Cross Dunham

94 pages
The reader is invited to take a stroll through a life: from the comforts and questions of childhood; through the audacity, heartbreak and yearnings of young adulthood and middle age; to the awakening of acceptance and, perhaps, some insight in later life.

Paperback $13.95   + $8.59 shipping & handling (USA)
(add $2.20 S&H per additional copy)
Category: Poetry
About the Book
The reader is invited to take a stroll through a life: from the comforts and questions of childhood; through the audacity, heartbreak and yearnings of young adulthood and middle age; to the awakening of acceptance and, perhaps, some insight in later life.

Written at various times over the course of 40-plus years, the poems in this collection present moments remembered, and realizations arising, over the course of the poet's life so far.



About the Author
Nancy Cross Dunham Mother of two by the age of 22, Nancy determined to complete her education; eventually obtaining a Ph.D. in Sociology and then spending much of her career at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Now retired, Nancy uses writing and photography to help keep her awake to her life as it is.



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