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Hi There, How Do I Know You? by Brandon D. Emery

Hi There, How Do I Know You?

by Brandon D. Emery

182 pages
Living nearly 650 miles apart, a country boy from southern Illinois follows God to Sioux City, Iowa to meet the love of his life. Through dark days, tests of faith, and demonic attacks, the author’s glimmer of hope rested in knowing God's still small voice. Without detailed prophecies, his lovely bride would have never known he even existed.

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About the Book
In 2011, the author embarked on an incredible journey with God that changed his life forever. Living back home in his parents’ upstairs loft, he relied heavily on God to bring him through dark days. Through depression and demonic attacks, God became his safety net. Much like a renowned surgeon, God healed his inner man with incredible precision.

Throughout this book, the author highlights how to know God's still small voice, how to follow Him, and how to see prophecies come to fruition. At some point in history, God did not just one day stop communicating with us. He is a God of relationships, marriage, and family. The author gives you a firsthand encounter on how God works through the lives of believers who let Him have full control.

His parents are anointed pastors, and with their guidance, he followed God to Sioux City, Iowa to marry the love of his life. While waiting almost four years for God's perfect timing, the author details the incredible walk with God that led him to Amanda's hometown. Living nearly 650 miles apart from one another, God indeed orchestrated a divine marriage.

In 2016, Brandon and his lovely bride Amanda, were united in holy matrimony on a cold winter day in Iowa. At the wedding reception, Brandon stood before all the attendees and said, "We will write a book on this one day". This book is dedicated to his Lord who did exactly what He promised.

The author's main focus in the creation of this book is to help young single Christians learn how to follow God in their relationships. This Christian autobiography offers a clean alternative to love and romance. Instead of using the world's way of finding "Mr. or Mrs. Right", why not just rely on the best matchmaker of all time? If God can do this divine love matching thing for a country boy from the backwoods of southern Illinois, He can do it for anyone who will listen to Him.



About the Author
Brandon D. Emery Brandon D. Emery holds a master’s degree in Education with a concentration in Student Personnel. He is an assistant pastor at Rugged Cross Chapel in southern Illinois. As a writer, he uses his life experiences to help Christians around the world. He and his lovely wife, Amanda, have three children.



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