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Breaking Into Magazine Writing by William Garrett

Breaking Into Magazine Writing

by William Garrett

152 pages
A complete step-by-step guide to writing for magazines.

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Category: Writing
About the Book

William Garrett has been published in 22 magazines and teaches workshops on writing for magazines.

Breaking Into Magazine Writing is a lively distillation of his experience and knowledge, presented as if the reader is sitting in on one of Garrett's workshops.

Complete with sample query letters, professional tips, personal advice, anecdotes, and the questions people most often ask in the workshops, this hands-on, step-by-step guide reveals what you should do, discusses why you should do it, and explains how to do it well.

Garrett takes you through it all: Getting the idea...Getting your idea on paper...Getting your idea out there...Getting an editor's attention... Getting an editor's trust...Getting an assignment...Getting published...Getting rejected, getting ignored, getting burned...Getting confident, getting professional, and getting savvy.

Here's the vital information every magazine writer needs for...Getting it right!



About the Author
William Garrett has been a freelance writer for over 25 years. He's been published in 22 magazines, written over four dozen articles, teaches writing classes, and conducts workshops on writing for magazines.



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