TAPESTRY OF A LIFE: A Modern Odyssey Spanning Three Continents
by Nora Curran
252 pages
A young girl’s flight from an oppressive environment in search of self-expression and freedom. She chooses her own trajectory, ready to face what lies ahead. She embarks on a modern Odyssey of self-discovery and interesting encounters across three continents before she comes home to roost in the USA via Beijing, Hong Kong, London and e-Harmony.
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About the Book
Not many have had the rare experience of a passenger airplane turn back in mid-flight to pick them up from the Gobi desert, come close to arrest in Beijing's Tiananmen Square, gone searching in the wilds of Yunnan for rabies shots, lived through the SARS pandemic in China, or been evacuated from a war zone in an aircraft with standing room only.
Former BBC journalist Nora Curran vividly describes these and other extraordinary events in TAPESTRY OF A LIFE. Beginning with her childhood on a Greek island, she takes readers on a modern odyssey that spans three continents. Her observations along the way show how people from different backgrounds, and cultures interact, often in amusing and surprising ways. Curran's account follows historic changes and customs, as well as human behavior, with the analytical eye of a seasoned observer. It promises an interesting ride and it does not disappoint. TAPESTRY OF A LIFE is a page-turner from beginning to end.
From the first page of Tapestry Of A Life, we are caught up in the threads of a young girl's journey, starting with breaking the bonds of her oppressive childhood. Showing strength and resolve, Nora creates a life through purpose and education. As we zigzag across continents, we enjoy adventures, and learn about cultures. Humor, passion and warmth are fused in each chapter as time and time again, Nora lands on her feet.
- April Martin, Author of Ilyas
Nora takes the reader on the international journey of her life. She shares her early family struggles, achievements, pandemic scares and other fascinating experiences that color and shape her personal tapestry. A page-turner from beginning to end.
- Susan Bodinet, Author of Dangerous Secret
I loved Nora’s journey, the way it weaved in and out. I love reading about where she resides now It sounds heavenly. The cover of Tapestry of a Life wanted me to touch it and I never felt a book like that before. Very, very nice to touch. Thank you Nora, for sharing your life travels.
- Maribeth E.
Now that we have time to read... I'd love to recommend this fascinating book. And now it's even available on Kindle.
When you read this you'll wish that you could know her. She resides in a beautiful Craftsman home with a bright and cozy den that's perfect for sipping tea and having an enjoyable conversation. I tell you this so you can visualize the perfect environment as you read her words.
- C. Anthony
About the Author |
NORA CURRAN is a multi-lingual maverick who has traveled extensively. Born on the Greek island of Cyprus, and educated in England she finally came home to roost in the US via Hong Kong, Beijing, London and eHarmony. TAPESTRY OF A LIFE is her first book. It’s about the resilience of the human spirit and the ability to overcome life’s curve balls. When she’s not writing she paints, and weaves. Her hobbies include Sumi-e, fiber arts, and travel. She and her husband live in San Diego with Maisie, their Old English Sheepdog. |