SUDDEN DEATH STRATEGY: Preparing for End of Life
by Jean Tobin
168 pages
The author writes from first-hand experience of the financial land mines one encounters through the death of a close family member. She has written a comprehensive guide with easily understandable short answers from FAQ's. Anyone can act on the suggestions. This is a must read for anyone before they're in this situation.
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About the Book
Sudden Death Strategy provides a comprehensive overview of the numerous challenges one encounters with the death of a loved one. The conversational style helps anyone understand the short answers to frequently asked financial, legal, administrative, medical, funeral, and deathly ill questions before, during, and after the passing. The down to earth suggestions can be put to immediate use.
The book starts with a Personal Note, Introduction, then to the poem “What is Grieving”. It follows up with practical solutions when losing a spouse or close relative. Starting with the first chapter of the medical issues section, it gives insight as to the physical, spiritual, and emotional needs of the dying and caretaker. Following along these lines, determining when hospice is necessary and how it works. Lastly, medication concerns such as: locations of 24/7 pharmacies, controlled substance, or picking up a prescription rounds out the medical section.
The next subject of concern is the administrative area. In this section, it starts with pertinent financial questions as to passive and/or active income stream(s), knowing when bills arrive, whether bills are automatically deducted from a bank account, credit or debit card, etc. Adding to this subject, is knowing what the expenses are, how often, and when are they due. Following the same path, checking with a financial planner on how to budget present and future income. Advice from a professional whether the remaining spouse should purchase an insurance policy dependent on their financial situation. During this time, there will be much more paperwork coming in the mail. So, clerical work such as making phone calls, follow up, filing, completing forms, faxing, or writing letters, may be in order. Lastly, physically locating the will and/or trust to determine who is the trustee and who is to receive assets.
The Funeral Plans section highlights death notification of the employer, banks, funeral home, religious personnel preceding the event. Expenses for a funeral can include embalming, visitation, casket, cards, guest funeral book, flowers, religious personnel, along with the costs entailed with planning a wake.
Part Two highlights the personal side of death and the stressor effects on the spouse’s mind and body along with the grieving process. During this time of anguish, relationships change along with heartache. Also, this section highlights where to get advice and the best sources, griever’s needs in the first year and the best approach. Lastly, the issue of mourning has ceased and how does it look. This is a must have book for anyone experiencing a family death!
Excellent! You did a great job of explaining things.
- K. Wlosinski, patient
You have joined the club no one wants to be a member. You feel alone but thankfully you are not! This book is a direct approach to managing your new life. It is very realistic, extremely helpful and a great guidebook to problem solving after the death of a loved one. This book will help you to manage your life, emotions, finances, legal issues, and transition to your new life.
- B. Potrzuski club member since 1998, C.M.A., nurse
About the Author |
Ms. Tobin is a former Human Resources professional. When faced with multiple close family members passing away within two years, she was able to use her H.R. background and organizational skills to settle the estates, easily. |