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Elementary... the Art and Science of Finding Information: Achieving More “Knowledge Advantage” through OSINT - Revised and Expanded Edition Original Title: What You Don’t Know…. by Miguel Fernandez, Alan Millington, Mark Monday and Dr. Emil Sarpa

Elementary... the Art and Science of Finding Information: Achieving More “Knowledge Advantage” through OSINT - Revised and Expanded Edition Original Title: What You Don’t Know….

by Miguel Fernandez, Alan Millington, Mark Monday and Dr. Emil Sarpa

635 pages
Facts and fake news live side-by-side in the Internet. Elementary... the Art and Science of Finding Information is a guide to achieving information superiority in today's world.

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Category: Computers:Internet
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About the Book
What you don’t know can hurt you. What you do know can make you successful.

The Information Age has given us a soup of useful and not-so-usable facts and fiction. This is your guide to gaining information superiority in the new era.



About the Author
The authors have worked to provide readers with the skills needed today to find information and evaluate its factual basis so it can be used when making decisions, great and small. Open Source Research is now a life skill; this book hones that skill.



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