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Papa's Garage by C. A. Hendrix

Papa's Garage

by C. A. Hendrix

40 pages
Papa has a lot of stuff in the garage and it's really messy. It's so messy that Mama can't park her car in it. But being messy is okay, because if you search long enough you can find little, tiny things that fix big problems.

Hardcover $23.95   + $9.68 shipping & handling (USA)
(add $2.48 S&H per additional copy)
Category: Fiction:Children
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About the Book
Papa has a lot of stuff in the garage and it's really messy. It's so messy that Mama can't park her car in it. But being messy is okay, because if you search long enough you can find little, tiny things that fix big problems.



About the Author
Charlotte Hendrix works full time as an education strategist and public speaker. She has been writing for many years. Papa’s Garage is her first children’s book. Charlotte resides in New Mexico with her dog, Donovan.



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