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THE SIMPLE WAY: A Daoist Response to Life by Scott P. Bradley

THE SIMPLE WAY: A Daoist Response to Life

by Scott P. Bradley

166 pages
This book presents a personal philosophy of life inspired by the 4th Century BCE Daoist Zhuangzi (Chuang Tzu). A fictional sage shares his philosophy in a series of impromptu lectures.

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About the Book
This book presents a personal non-religious philosophy of life inspired by the 4th Century BCE Daoist philosopher Zhuangzi (Chuang Tzu). In the face of our irremediable not-knowing Zhuangzi suggests we abandon all supposedly definitive declarations of Truth and instead follow along with the trustful elan of life itself. This can lead to the deeply mystical experience of releasing oneself in trust into the Mystery that enfolds all things. Identified with Mystery, "hiding the world in the world", one is freed from all fear of loss. When life and death are taken as forming a single string, we can affirm our death just as we affirm our life. When no event or circumstance can happen outside the Great Happening our happiness depends on nothing and we can "wander far and unfettered" through life.

If you feel the need for a guru, make one up. Who knows your needs better than your own heart? The author has written many sages and Xudanzi, the sage presented in these lectures, is but the latest. A dao (path) is made by walking it, and we all walk our own. Xudanzi's dao is only meant to inspire; your own authentic dao arises as you walk it.


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About the Author
Scott P. Bradley Scott Bradley has long been a student of religion and philosophy. He holds a BA in Biblical Literature and an MA in Cross-Cultural Studies. When not teaching English in Morocco or Saudi Arabia, he cruised around the world aboard his 32’ sailboat. His writing reflects a non-religious philosophy of life.



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