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Checkmate by Sylvie Guegan


by Sylvie Guegan

186 pages
Suspense thriller - Will he get caught?

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Category: Fiction:Mystery
About the Book

The people of Montreal have finally elected a bright, upstanding Mayor, a man who is working wholeheartedly for the good of the community rather than for his own pockets. Unfortunately, even a good man can make a mistake and when he does he finds himself thrown into a world of crime. Once the blackmail begins he is forced to commit unspeakable acts. With guilt gnawing at him, he has no one to turn to and fends for himself. This respectable man is in no way prepared for what will happen to him, as blackmail turns to mayhem and murder. Now, just how far will the Mayor go to keep his secret.



About the Author
Sylvie Guegan is a working mom who enjoys writing and painting in her spare time. She was born in France and spent a few years in Australia. She now resides in Quebec Canada with her daughter. Checkmate is her first novel, she is currently writing her second.



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