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Quantum Wave Mechanics - Fourth Edition by Larry Reed

Quantum Wave Mechanics - Fourth Edition

by Larry Reed

724 pages
Geometrical description of photons, electrons and composite particles. Dimensional analysis of electrical charge. Quantum gravity, gravitational frequency spectrum, mass oscillator synchronization, spectral energy density modulation and phase conjugation. Origin of charge, fine structure constant and inertia. Prospects for wave-based EM propulsion.

Paperback $32.95   + $12.50 shipping & handling (USA)
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Category: Science
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About the Book
A comprehensive description of the nature of light, electricity and gravity is provided in terms of quantum wave mechanics. Detailed models include the photon as a travelling electromagnetic wave and the electron as a closed loop standing wave formed by a confined photon. Electrons are of toroidal geometry generated by a spinning Hopf link as a result of an imbalance of electrostatic and magnetostatic energy. Electric charge is a manifestation of a slight precession characterized by the fine structure constant. The physical vacuum as a polarizable medium enables wave propagation and appears ultimately to be quantized at the Planck scale. Standing wave transformations for objects in motion are reviewed and Lorentz Doppler effects compared. The mechanism for generation of de Broglie matter waves for objects in motion is depicted including the inverse effect of induced motion of an object by synthesis of contracted moving standing waves. Gravity is viewed as a frequency synchronization interaction between coupled mass oscillators. The acceleration of gravity is described by a spectral energy density gradient. Gravitons are shown to be phase conjugate photons. The metric of curved spacetime corresponds to the electromagnetic wave front interference node metric. Hence, the gravitational field becomes quantized.



About the Author
Larry Reed is a retired aerospace engineer with interests in photonics, electronics, mathematics and physics. The author currently resides in California.



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