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Strong, Independent Sisters by Tracy K. Sams

Strong, Independent Sisters

by Tracy K. Sams

94 pages
A heartfelt novel of how God's love will lift you even through your darkest, most painful bereavement and circumstances.

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Category: Fiction:Christian
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About the Book
“Blessed are they that mourn:
for they shall be comforted.”

-- Matthew 5:4

When someone you love dies—especially if he or she dies young—the pain, sorrow, depression, and sadness you experience can feel like rising waters threatening to drown you. Even Christians can find ourselves battling a storm of chaotic questions. We wonder: How could God allow this to happen? Is something this awful really part of God’s plan? How can I move beyond such pain and find life again? Now—in the new, God-centered chapter book Strong, Independent Sisters—Tracy Sams offers a poignant, unforgettable novel that bravely and compassionately illuminates these issues … and which points us to the pathway leading to genuine healing.

When Grace Underwood’s thirty-something sister, Emma, tragically dies from breast cancer, Grace feels as if her life has been torn apart. Battling the deepest sorrow and grief, Grace soon learns she has been given custody of her sister’s sons … who themselves must deal with the most painful sorrow and sense of abandonment. As Grace struggles to deal with her own bereavement—and the emotional and psychological stresses wracking her nephews—she becomes aware of a possible pathway back to life … a faith-based group-therapy organization called SIS—Strong, Independent Sisters. Can SIS offer Grace the support, compassion, and Scripture-based insight she needs to lift up herself and her sister’s sons? What life-changing heart-wisdom will she receive from SIS?

By reading Strong, Independent Sisters, readers will move to the heart of a story that will bring them close to God’s never-failing love—even in life’s darkest hours.


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About the Author
Tracy K. Sams, author of Precious Gift, holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in Guidance and Counseling, and has worked with adults and children in the social service field for 16 years. As a Christian author, Tracy believes that we are all called to be a light to this fallen world. She wants to be able to provide, as it says in Isaiah 61, ‘healing for the broken, joy for the mourner, freedom for the captive, and love for the lost.’ Her passion is to share God’s grace and love to this darkened world. Tracy currently resides in Seymour, Tennessee, where she enjoys time with her family and friends.



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