Sherlock and I Return: The Presentation of Additional Medical Mysteries
by Dr. Frederick Kassis
226 pages
In his second book Dr. Kassis once again presents the reader with mostly rare medical conditions that he encountered during his 40-years in internal medicine. Unlike his first book, which began with his beginning his medical practice in a rural area, this book begins as he begins his medical education, proceeding then to a dissection of the cases.
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About the Book
After reading Dr. Kassis’ hospital notes in November 2014, a nurse consultant urged Dr. Kassis to write about some of the most difficult cases that he had encountered over his career. Dr. Kassis subsequently wrote his first book Sherlock and I a Memoir of Medical Mysteries in a US Rural Practice. Having been asked to write a sequel, Dr. Kassis now first presents the reader with details of the training that every potential physician must endure before he or she may be labeled as a physician. It is in the second half of his book that Dr. Kassis once again describes patients with critical illnesses as well many who presented diagnostic conundrums. A lifelong fan of Sherlock Holmes, throughout the book he emphasizes the diagnostic process, especially the importance of obtaining an accurate history from the patient. Most importantly, Dr. Kassis presents the material in a manner which a non-medical person can easily understand. Anyone who reads this book will have a better understanding of how his or her physician formulates a diagnosis – a process which must always come before any treatment might be initiated.
About the Author |
Dr. Kassis is a retired internist who cared for patients over a 40-year career, running an active office practice and delivering critical care to severely ill patients in the intensive care unit, in addition to teaching both medical students and residents in internal medicine. |