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Inter-Analytic Couples Therapy  Book One: The Theory  Search for the Other by Walter E. Brackelmanns, M.D.

Inter-Analytic Couples Therapy Book One: The Theory Search for the Other

by Walter E. Brackelmanns, M.D.

326 pages
Dr. Brackelmanns introduces an exciting new model that wraps the most promising ideas and concepts about marriage into a unified and comprehensive whole. This comprehensive book will teach therapists to help couples accomplish differentiation from each other and enable them to develop a close, intimate, empathic and accepting relationship.

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Category: Spirituality And Psychology
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About the Book
Dr. Brackelmanns introduces an exciting new model that wraps the most promising ideas and concepts about marriage into a unified and comprehensive whole. This comprehensive book will teach therapists to help couples accomplish differentiation from each other and enable them to develop a close, intimate, empathic and accepting relationship.

The book is divided into four parts: Part One illustrates the evolution of marriage over the last fifty years. Part Two explores the developmental lines of marriage. Part Three demonstrates how the developmental lines lead to four fundamental levels of couple interaction. Part Four elaborates one of the most important indications for individual psychotherapy: moderate to severe insecure attachment organizations or disorders. Part Five tackles the question of how to define ‘marriage’ and the difference between closeness and attachment, as well as the two different transferences and two different kinds of anger.

Remaining books in the series (coming soon): Book Two: The Skill: The Dialogue of Intimacy: Finding the Other teaches the skill of talking and listening. Book Three: The Therapies: All Roads Lead to Rome will cover family therapy and the ten different kinds of couples therapy. Book Four: The Pathway: A Road Less Traveled describes blocks to couples therapy, affairs, separation, divorce and remarriage, and couples therapy with the LGBTQ community.


In this extraordinary volume Walter Brackelmanns masterfully integrates theory, current right brain neuroscience, and decades of clinical wisdom to formulate an overarching and highly pragmatic model of the change processes that lie at the core of couples psychotherapy. I highly recommend this remarkable feat of interdisciplinary scholarship to therapists looking to enhance their clinical skills in working directly and more effectively with different regulated and dysregulated interaction patterns co-constructed by both members of an emotional relationship.
- Allan N. Schore, Ph.D.
This is the work of a master teacher, organized and written in clear, understandable language. Building on his training as a psychoanalyst, he integrates complex theories. This book gives us a taste of his depth of experience, and leaves us wanting more.
- Marion Solomon, PhD
This brilliant therapist offers the reader a compelling and comprehensive integration of theory and methodology. The author’s depth of experience, intuition, common sense and broad understanding shines through as he skillfully weaves together old and new approaches. Dr. Brackelmanns has accomplished the rare feat of producing a highly researched yet accessible blend of theory and practice that will give therapists all the tools they need. I highly recommend this book.
- Pat Ogden, PhD



About the Author
Walter E. Brackelmanns, M.D. Walter E. Brackelmanns, MD is the Director of the Couples and Sex Therapy Training Program at UCLA, and the President of the American Association of Couples and Sex Therapists (AACAST). He has worked for over 40 years developing and teaching a practical approach to couples therapy, both nationally and internationally.



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